Randomzing warp tiles


Staff member
Unfortunately no. The screen bytes available are super limited. There may be clever ways to handle this by using different tiles, or maybe making a tiletype that uses an offset somehow, or repurposing some screen data unused.


Staff member
I should clarify - there’s nothing that makes this not possible. But natively, witthout digging into engine code, its not. Thats what i mean :)


Staff member
Don’t worry...lots more to do in the next update. Keep it simple and use this to just get a feel for the interface :)
Having trouble with warps. I tried making a forest that warps you to the beginning unless you go the correct path like Zelda 1. I created a forest with path in shape of a ( + ). 2 of the 4 exits warp you to first screen. However since completing the lost forest screens. Test game seems to crash after a few seconds, or after leaving a regular screen and re-exiting. Any suggestions to fix the warping issue?
So I removed all the warps from my lost forest and I don't think it's the warping that was the problem. I am not able to transition from tile (3,8) to (4,8) or (2,5) to (3,5) from certain positions on the screen for some reason.


Staff member
"Crashing after a few seconds" - what exactly did you mean? Did the game completely crash out? Did it reset? What exactly happened?

There aren't any inherent places you shouldn't be able to transition to on the screen, unless by chance there is a warp tile that you collide with in that exact spot on the new screen (because then, you'll be colliding with it, and it'll automatically enact the warp...sending you back...and end up in an endless loop). You'll have to show me a video of exactly what you're doing and what you mean, as I'm a little lost. There can only be "one" warp tile per screen right now...because there's only "one" value to warp out to. You can PUT more warps on the screen, but you only have one warp-to value, so....all warps on a given screen will take you to whatever screen is in screen info.
Yeah. On several screens, I set multiple warps at two of their 4 exits. All to warp were set to warp player to same screen. After running test the game would completely freeze in place and I'd have tho reset emulator. I removed all warps too see if that would help but issues remains on certain screens. I'll post video after work. Thanks.
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