Export & test issue


New member

I followed carefully the first tutorials, and so I started my creation of assets and animations, while having configured the emulator and the controls
But once I export & test I end up with a gray screen, and nothing more

I configured the playable area, with the place for the HUD , the overworld and the player
I think I ticked all the boxes necessary for proper operation

What can I do to fix this problem?


Staff member
Check again that your HUD is configured (set a basic Width:16 Height:2 for HUD area and the rest for the playable area -- less than h:2 cause issues currently), then check your overworld, at least one screen, with colors palette configured and placed your player, on that screen ?

Which version are you using ? The "Pi Empty" ?


New member
thank you for your reply
Unfortunately it does not change my problem
I still took the time to watch videos; but my problem is still there



export and test



Staff member
Is it the "Pi empty" or "Pi" version ?
If it's not the "Pi empty" version, I think the grey screen you see might be your Start Screen... ? (in the "Pi empty", the Start Screen is passed by)
You can try to configure your Start Screen, in the Special screens section : configure palette, draw something on it ;)
And you need to assign the "StartScreen_StartGame.asm" script to your input (press Start button on StartScreen) in input manager.


New member
Yes !

it was so obvious!
I tested with the empty version and indeed I had a rendering directly
thank you very much

but now I have another problem xD
which is related to the movement of the hero and I would probably do another post for that
but little question, is there a place to get scripts on the forum or elsewhere?


Staff member
Glad you found :)

In fact, the movement scripts for the beta (and a lot of other scripts you need) are in the betassets folder (in your NESMaker folder).
Cf tutorial videos for the pi empty version by Joe (on Vimeo)
If you are making a top down game, you take the scripts from movements scripts adventure folder, copy / past them to your game data/scripts/movements folder and you can use them :)


New member
I managed to move my character (top down game)
but that does not take into account correctly the animations that I linked ...
I saw another post where you talk about the "onGround" it helped but it's not that yet

(@dale_coop , parles-tu français ?)


Staff member
Ok, understand your problem...
Need to check everything :

For setting the animations for the player, in the player object:
- you need to define for every directions you need, in the "animations manager" dialog (for exemple: iddle, walking_left, walking_right, ...)
- then you select an animation, and change/define your player graphics for it, and you do that for every animations.
- Now in the "Object Details" dialog, you need to create "animation types" for each kind of movements, I mean, you need (for exemple, 1 for iddle, 1 for walking, ... maybe 1 for jump, 1 for on ladder)
- you select each animation type, and you select the animations associated for each directions (for example, for "Walking" animation type, you select ""walking_left" for Left and "walking-right", for Right, ...).
When everything is configured in the "Animations" tab, you can go to "Actions" where you need to set you "action step"
- the action step "0" is when your player is iddle (not moving), here you select the animation type you create for that (exemple : the action type "Iddle"), and selection the speed of your animations (try 4).
- the action step "1" is then your player is moving, here you select select the animation type you create for that (exemple : the action type "Walking"), and selection the speed of your animations (try 4)
- the action step "2" is then your player is jumping, here you select select the animation type you create for that (exemple : the action type "Jump") , and selection the speed of your animations (try 4)
- the action step "3" is then your player is moving up/down on ladder, here you select select the animation type you create for that (exemple : the action type "Ladder"), and selection the speed of your animations (try 4)
Of course if your player don't jump or you don't use the ladder tiles, you don't need to configured that action steps.
Voilà, now, your player might be ready.

Then you need to use the movement scripts: the "adventure" ones for topdown game, the "platform" ones for platform game ;)
if you use topdown adventure scripts, you need to assign inputs for Press and Release buttons.
if you use platform scripts, you have to assign more inputs for Hold, Press and Release buttons.

If you still have a problem, make a small video showing your player configuration (animations, animations types, action steps, ...) and inputs configuration. If you have errors when export & test, screen cap and show us.
The empty version is quite challenging, because a lot of scripts have been moved / deleted / commented. Ahah :) But if you follow the tutorial videos Joe made, you can fix a lot of your problems, I think.

PS: Oui je parle français, j'habite en France :) Toi aussi ?


New member
Je vais regarder ça en détail,
car je n ai de problèmes qu'avec le move right et left

oui je suis français , je suis basé en Alsace :)


Staff member
D’accord, moi je suis de l’autre côté, à Nantes (ouest).

Si tu ne trouves pas ta solution, si ru veux je peux jeter un œil, tu peux m’envoyer (via wetransfert ou Dropbox ou drive...), une copie de ton fichier projet + ton dossier GameData, le tout zippé... je pourrais regarder d’où vient le souci, si tu veux.


New member
j'ai bidouillé et maintenant ça marche , je pensais vraiment pas mettre mes mains dans du code ^^
ce n'est pas du tout mon domaine de compétence... mais mon perso marche et tout est bien lié
maintenant je vais tenté de faire une attaque ... et je ne sais pas que script prendre

en tout cas merci tu m'a bien emmené sur les bonnes pistes !
mais la route va être longue xD


Staff member
Génial! Super, tu t’es bien débrouillé.

For attack/mêlée you need to use a createProjectileObject script (ou un nom qui ressemble) that is in a previous version of NESMaker (I couldn’t find it in the pi empty version) might be in the pi version one... in the userscripts folder.
You must watch the tutorial video about that (in previous version related videos)

PS: Quand je serai chez moi, je pourrai être plus précis, si tu as besoin d’aide ;) Je suis avec ma femme en balade à IKEA, là...
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