No animation


New member
Started a TopDown game while I wait on the Platformer module to be developed :p but, i'm having some trouble getting the animations to work on the player. I've got everything setup to make the player move around the screen and he's colliding with rocks and trees that i've setup on the screen but, during movement there's no animation.
Under Game Objects/Player/Manage Animations i've created: idle_Down, idle_Up, idle_Left, and idle_Right. Single frame animation of player just standing still.
I've also created: run_Down, run_Up, run_Left, and run_Right. 4-frame animations for each.
Under Object Details I've created 2 animation types: idle (which sets all the directions with the correct idle animations) and run (which uses the run animations for each direction)
Under the tab Details I've checked "Persistent" and "Player" and given the player a max speed and an acceleration
Under the Actions tab Action Step0 is set to "idle" and Action Step1 is set to "run" and i've set the animation speed somewhere in the middle.
Under the Bounding Box tab i've set the bounding box to center mass of my player (similar to the tutorials).

Not sure what I"m missing. :?:


Staff member
Humm... I know there are some bugs in the scripts currently.
Try with those modified scripts:
Your animations might be back.


New member
I'm using the modified scripts already. I'll try and overwrite them with a copy of the files and see if it changes anything.


Staff member
Did you assigned the "ChangeToWalkingAnimation.asm" to your press inputs?
Like in the video:


New member
I was just about to post that! I went back and loaded the "ChangeToWalkingAnimation.asm" to UDLR button presses and the animation is now working. However, it doesn't switch back to idle after releasing the button. I think we're on the right path though


Staff member
Watch the rest of the video, there is everything about that (there is another script ChangeToIdleAnimation.asm to assign too ;)

(sorry, I go to bed...almost 1:00AM here)


New member
I'll watch it again. i'm sure there's something I'm missing. I have the ChangeToIdleAnimations.asm but, I'm not calling it for some reason. I'll keep at it. thanks for the help! :)

Update: I figured it out. I modified the ChangeToIdleAnimations.asm using the following code:

LDX player1_object
ChangeObjectState #$00, #$02


I saved the script and then in the Input Editor I assigned this to UDLR (Up,Down,Left,Right) buttons being released.

Everything is working now. :D
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