Palette buttons


New member
After using nesmaker for several hours I still have the same issue, so I wonder if it is something that could be considered for future versions (unless it's just me!) Just some small cosmetic things that might help usability :)

In the pixel editor i often click on the larger palette colours on the left (which don't change the colours) as opposed to the smaller buttons at the top (which do). I still find myself doing this all of the time, so something about it seems more intuitive, at least to me. Also, i wonder if the actual buttons to change colour could be a hair bigger. I must have gone through the motions of bringing the cursor up there to change colours several hundred times at this point, and i still find that I somehow still often miss the button and don't end up changing the colour. My miss rate is quite high, more so than with other programs which i quickly navigate a menu, click something, and move back. Again this might be totally idiosyncratic though


I find myself doing this all the time, when in the pixel editor, clicking a sub palette and excepting it to select a color. What makes it more confusing is the inconsistency because in the asset painter when you click the edit button of a graphics bank asset then you CAN select colors that way by clicking a color in the sub palette and that color will be selected for drawing.

I see why they did the 4 square to save on screen real estate, but it would be nice if they could find some way to layout the sub palettes in a row instead of the 4 square as I had to make myself a little cheat sheet to help me remember what square is what color slot. I keep trying to think of a good way to do it and also keep all pixels on screen but can't so I never suggested it.

Rob Burrito

New member
agreed, was in my beta feedback post as well. had to start from scratch on graphic asset conversion so many times due to global fill and then clicking the desired color out of the left palette.


New member
Rob Burrito said:
agreed, was in my beta feedback post as well. had to start from scratch on graphic asset conversion so many times due to global fill and then clicking the desired color out of the left palette.

FWIW you can undo by pressing or holding cntl + Z.


New member
Hey guys! This was an oversight on my part. You will be happy to know that it has been fixed! When you click on a palette color in version PI (3.1.4) and above, it will select that color for painting in the pixel editor.
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