Game Input not working.


New member
I'm following the Adventure Game tutorial and I'm trying to get the input working, but nothing seems to be happening. I'm displaying the little input controllers inside the emulator, and it seems like the player one controller should be getting pressed, but it doesn't look to me like the assembly scripts are getting triggered... but to be honest, I'm not certain how I would tell if they were getting triggered but not working.

I've attached a screen shot of my Input Editor:

Any help would be great.



Staff member
Looks good.
I would just add the "ChangeToIdleAnimation.asm" for each direction when "Release".

Then if your player doesn't move, maybe you forget to set him the "speed" (try "40") and "acceleration" (go for "255"), in the Player Object Details?


New member
Awesome! He's moving now... but not changing directions. I'm sure that's something I did wrong when setting up the animation.

Thanks for your help!


Staff member
I suggest you to watch some previous tutorial videos to help you making player/monster animations...
You can find them on the NESMaker youtube channel or vimeo. (All the links in the tutorial section and the beta tutorial section).
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