Small Error (Program Boot Fail)


New member
Hello there, I just downloaded NESMaker today and if I try and open the program, it just says "MysticSearchesTool has stopped working" and then closes. Is there a way to fix this? My PC is a potato, though it is running Windows 7, but I'm not sure if that really matters. If any of you know how to fix that, input would be welcome.

On a side note, would it be possible to modify NESMaker to be compatible with sunsoft 5b? (for expansion sound) And how would I go about in importing Famitracker songs?


Staff member
First, did you unzip the Do not put your NESMaker folder in "Program Files" (nor "Windows").

Then, you Windows may be 32bit ? If so, I would recommend to wait the new version 4.0.2 (will be out today) that will be 100% compatible with it.
(else if you don't want to wait some hours, you need to download the 4.0.1 file here: and the dna.dll here: and put them in your NESMaker folder )

(if still problem, you maybe have to check your anti-virus)
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