Strange re-color after Text Box is dismissed


New member
Following the tutorial at the 1 hour 14min mark where the NPC with Text Box is done.
Getting this strange color on the background after the Text Box is dismissed.
any ideas? See below link:


New member
Nevermind, i found someone else reported this here:

i guess its a bug then


New member
Not so much a bug, but the way NES Screen Data is handled.
The system can draw as small as 8x8 tiles, but palettes are handled in 16x16 chunks, and the attribute table is handled in 32x32 chunks. Fixing the attribute table would require more code, which is already limited in space.
Eventually I'd hope that they set up the Text Box mode to only allow you to follow the attribute table so people don't run into this bug, but for now the easiest solution is to expand or shrink the weird side by one block to align with the table.
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