Does NESm accept 2BPP CHR binaries?


New member
So i've been watching the tutorials. Haven't had the time to get into it just yet, so please excuse me if this is redundant. But one thing struck me - is there no .chr (NES-formatted 2bpp binary) import or did the tutorial just omit that for simplicitys' sake?

Given that the best suited tool around (NESST) for drawing and organizing NES graphic tiles use the NES format as its own native format, i really hope asset imports will accept strips of CHR binaries too. That'd also save all the hassle of having to re-index already-done assets with the BRGB scheme manually.
honestly the fastest chance of reply is probably the facebook group.

as far as i'm aware only start screens get .chr import but i might be mistaken or it might even be part of an update.


Staff member
Frankengraphics, you can import some CHR files, save to a bmp that will be used by NESMaker, and you can import with .nam file for your StartScreen and WinScreen, too:
Take a look at


Staff member
Actually, there is a chr viewer, in which you can import CHR files, and export the BMP files that work with the tool. :)
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