editing generated code

Is there a way to see and edit the ASM code generated by nesmaker before compiling it?

I wanna layer 2 sprites for the player character to have more than 3 colors, i was thinking maybe if i could look at the player graphics code, i could edit the coordinates of the second sprite to be the same as the first one, making them overlap, is such a thing possible?

Bucket Mouse

Active member
It is. Go to the folder where NESMaker is stored and navigate to GameEngineData > Routines. All the ASM that makes your game run is there. The creators said specifically that dual-layer sprites would be possible, so if you know how, go to it (but make a backup just in case).


From what I can tell, right now the sprites themselves aren't stored in "coordinates", they're stored and drawn as a grid. If you wanted to mess with coordinates, you'd have to rewrite the HandleDrawingSprites_default.asm file and make custom tables for offsets or something like that. I found the sprite data in "ObjectInfo.dat", but there's no coordinates there to mess with.

Bucket Mouse

Active member
MistSonata said:
From what I can tell, right now the sprites themselves aren't stored in "coordinates", they're stored and drawn as a grid. If you wanted to mess with coordinates, you'd have to rewrite the HandleDrawingSprites_default.asm file and make custom tables for offsets or something like that. I found the sprite data in "ObjectInfo.dat", but there's no coordinates there to mess with.

Joe implied you could actually layer the sprites in the tool. Only problem is, I don't know which video that was.

I mentioned layered sprites in a Kickstarter comment long ago, and he said, "I mentioned how to do that in a video!" He wasn't specific which one.

I'd say ask him how, but he's not very reachable lately.
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