Edit the TestBat.bat for greater testing experience


New member
Edit the TestBat.bat in GameEngineData so instead what it says normally is like this:

asm6 MainASM.nes game.nes demo.txt >> compilelog.txt

Now you won't be stuck with console window that you have to close each time you test game and if there are any compile errors, they'll be saved to compilelog.txt. Makes testing much better.


New member
Yeah, remarking out the pause could work but wouldn't that also cause any errors thrown to just disappear into the ether when the command prompt closes?
The first method gives you a way to read the compilation results. This way unfortunately appears not to.


spam bots yandex
Yes but it's not a mistake. I am under the impression the pause was removed on the OP's post because of the redirected output to a textfile (which will be automatically refreshed in a programmer editor like notepad++). So no need to pause. Besides NESMaker gives you a modal window message if the compilation fails.

If anyone like me is annoyed by the constant pressing of a key to get rid of the output command line window every time you make a quick change to export and test but still wishes to pause when an error shows up then here is one way to do it:

Modify Testbat.bat to say this:

@echo off
if exist "game.nes" del "game.nes"

@echo on
asm6 -q MainASM.nes game.nes demo.txt

@echo off
if exist "game.nes" goto EOF


While in this example I am using the "-q" parameter on the asm6 line you can leave it as it was originally or use the OP's suggestion.
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