How To Make NPCs & Monsters Move Up And Down

Bucket Mouse

Active member
For reasons that are lost on me, the current version of NESMaker has no "Move Up" or "Move Down" options in Monster AI. In their place, we have "Move randomly left or right" and "Move randomly up or down." It's unlikely I'll ever use these things, so....I replaced them with authentic Move Up and Move Down scripts. And you can too!

Here's Move Up:

	LDA #%000000100
	STA Object_movement,x
    LDA DirectionMovementTable,y
    STA temp
    TYA ;; the 0-7 value for direction
    ORA temp
    STA Object_movement,x

And here's Move Down:

	LDA #%000000000
	STA Object_movement,x
    LDA DirectionMovementTable,y
    STA temp
    TYA ;; the 0-7 value for direction
    ORA temp
    STA Object_movement,x

Save 'em as ASMs and assign 'em through Script Settings. So easy!
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