Hello everyone!


New member
Funny enough, I didn't even know this existed until a friend of mine (from an old game-making community I belonged to, a long time ago) mentioned it on Facebook. I don't think words can describe how thrilled I was to see that this was a thing! Having grown up in the 80s, video games were my childhood, and while I have tried my hand (granted, around 15 to 20 years ago) at making games in the past, the idea of making games for the console that defined my generation was too good to pass up. Even knowing how many hardware limitations there were in the day even provokes a sense of challenge that seems quite stimulating to try matching.

Let's see how everything goes. It's great to meet everyone in the community!


Staff member
Welcome FenyshGale

Glad to have you here with us :)
NEsmaker is an awes tool to create small NES games. When starting, don"t forget to follow the tutorial videos. You will learn how to use it, how to set up the projects and how to customize the module

Also the new version has just been released yesterday, and the Byte Off Competition has begun (one month game dev competition).
Have fun !
Can't wait to see what you will create with NM


Active member
I know the feeling, I've made NES hacks in the past but in doing so never quite felt like it was something entirely my own. With NES Maker I finally have a tool make the games I'd like too. The learning curve for the more advanced stuff is rough (more or less the coding bits) but there is a solid support system within this community. Anyhow, welcome!
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