Multiple Choice/Trivia game?


Probably unlikley but is it possible to make a multiple choice trivia style game in NESMaker?

My idea was using the adventure game, make a concept similar to this:


Have a board with spaces. Each space is a different point amount. When the player lands on the space, a question text box pops up and you answer ABC or D. I assume if this is going to work, I need to add each question in manually.

Its highly unlikley that its doable but if anyone has a way in mind let me know.


a grunty's furnace fun remake in nesm... well, how i would do it is pretty simple. Basically, 1- make a board. 2- make a bunch of warps. 3- make a tileset with letters and ask a question. you can go three ways, each containing a different answer. two of them have a death tile or a hurt+warp tile. one is the right answer. for a true gff remake, adding in a few minibosses or bosses is a must. hope that helps.
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