how to enlarge tileset banks


New member
Hi, if anyone could enlighten me on how i can 'Allocate' my space or change the size of the tile banks sizes i would really appreciate it


Active member
We can't really change how the banks are set up much now at all.
Are you asking for more info on some of the "hacks" some people are using to use path or menu space for backgrounds?


New member
It’s OK, I’ve had a response on another post, sorry for the trouble. I will just have to compromise on graphics for nesmakers set up and learn a little assembly.:)


Chasersgaming said:
It’s OK, I’ve had a response on another post, sorry for the trouble. I will just have to compromise on graphics for nesmakers set up and learn a little assembly.:)

You got enough space for background to do what you need to do:

- I recommend using paths for all you pattern backgrounds, like floor and other things that do not need super precise detail. In nezumi the houses are made out of paths while the roofs are tiles (the roofs could have been paths too).
- You have lots of special tile space, special tile is the 4 row, which can be combined with other background tiles and screens and I recommend using that for things that are not common in the background, like a certain statue or chair that is only suppose to show up at the end of a level, instead of putting it in the normal bg space where it will be wasted.

Take advantage of those 2 things first and you'll have more tile space to play with.


New member
Yep, you right there, and I have been tinkering. I am working on a game for a gamejam to get used to all on nesmaker, so we will see how we go. Gota get creative.:) thanks
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