Reset on Death (and other jacked up scripts)


Active member
I've been messing with scripts trying to polish things up, and during this I messed something up somehow.
The game resets when the player dies, when it should reload the current screen. My game does not use Lives, and I think that might've been accidentally implemented somewhere? But I can't find where I may have done it.

Here are my death scripts...
;;; do warp to continue screen stuff here.
LDA #$00
STA newGameState
 LDA continueMap
 ADC #$01
 STA temp
 GoToScreen continueScreen, temp, #$04
 LDA #$00
 STA playerToSpawn
; LDX player1_object
 LDA #$01
 STA loadObjectFlag

LDA continuePositionX
STA newX
LDA continuePositionY
STA newY

       ; reset keys to 0
    LDA #$00
    STA myKeys
    STA tempx
    STA tempy

    LDX player1_object
    LDA Object_x_hi,x
    STA temp
    LDA Object_y_hi,x
    STA temp1

    CreateObject temp, temp1, #OBJ_PLAYER_DEATH, #$00, currentNametable
    PlaySound #sfx_ouch
    LDA #$FF
    STA player1_object
    LDX tempx
    LDY tempy

I was messing with my game timer when I noticed it was all messed up. Basically I'm just setting it up so when the timer runs out it warps to a specific screen to start a "game over" cutscene. (which it does work actually) Although I haven't figured out how to reset the timer so the event can occur. So right now the timer is a zero so it just keeps warping the player over and over instead of letting the cutscene finish. I have that part commented out at the moment until I fix this other problem using the JMP Reset as the game did before. So that reset isn't the problem at least... Anyway here's the timer script...

;; create a variable in your HUD called myTimer 
;; set the initial value for myTimer from your HUD 
;; myTimer needs to have a max value of 3
;; this script was used for NESMAKER 4.1.1 and calls the SubtractValue macro
;; make sure that SubtractValue is the *proper* version
;; This script wouldn't be possible without Kevin Skeen's Timer_Tick.asm script
;; Thank you for everything, Kevin Skeen!

    DEC gameTimer           ;decrement memory by one
    BNE dontUpdateGameTimer ;if gameTimer = 0, don't update
    LDA gameTimerLo         ;load gameTimerLo into accumulator
    CLC                     ;clear the carry flag
    ADC #$01                ;add 01 to acumulator with carry
    STA gameTimerLo         ;store to the accumlator
    LDA gameTimerHi         ;load gameTimerHi into accumulator
    ADC #$00                ;add 00 to acumulator with carry
    STA gameTimerHi         ;store to the accumlator
    	;; skip the timer if special screen:
LDA update_screen_details
BEQ dontUpdateGameTimer
    LDX #$02                ;;Checking Hundreds
    LDA myTimer,x           ;;Load Hundreds Digit
    BNE SubtractTime        ;;If not 0, we have more than 000
    DEX                     ;;Checking Tens -- Decrease x so x is 1
    LDA myTimer,x           ;;Load Tens Digit
    BNE SubtractTime        ;;If not 0, we have more than 000
    DEX         	    ;;Checking Tens 
    LDA myTimer,x           ;;Load Ones Digit
    BNE SubtractTime
    JMP RESET            ;;this is what happens when the time is zero
	;LDA #$00
    ;STA newGameState
    ;STA change_state

    ;GoToScreen #GAME_OVER, #$01, #$02

   ; JSR DeactivateAllObjects  
    ;LDA #$01
    ;STA loadObjectFlag    
    LDA #DayNightSpeed
    STA gameTimer


SubtractValue #$03, myTimer, #$01, #$00 ;;Subtract 1 from the Ones digit

    ;;Update HUD
    LDA #$03                    ;; your timer can only have max 3 numbers
    STA hudElementTilesToLoad
    LDA DrawHudBytes
    ORA #HUD_myTimer
    STA DrawHudBytes

    ;;; we're going to edge-load monsters one at a time if they are of edge type and are not active.
    LDX #$00

    LDA edgeLoaderInCue
    BEQ noEdgeMonstersInCue
    LDA currentBank
    STA prevBank
    LDY #$1C ;; data bank
    JSR bankswitchY
    JSR CreateTimedEdgeSpawner
    DEC edgeLoaderInCue
    LDY prevBank
    JSR bankswitchY


I also just implemented a code provided by Dale for adding a normal/difficult mode. It DOES affect lives but I commented those parts out, maybe I did that wrong? I'll add my StartGame script here anyway...
 STA change_state

    ;; curSelection is 0 (normal) or curSelection is 1 (hard):
    LDA curSelection
    CMP #$01
    BNE +
    ;; Start in HARD mode:
    ;LDA #$01
    ;STA myLives
        ;; WARP to the HARD_START_LEVEL screen (in overworld) 
    LDA #$00
    ;STA newGameState
    STA change_state

    GoToScreen #HARD_START_LEVEL, #$01, #$02

    JSR DeactivateAllObjects  
    LDA #$01
    STA loadObjectFlag

    ;; from here the rest of the code:
    JMP ++
    ;; ELSE:
    ;; Start in NORMAL mode :
    ;LDA #$03       ;; commented out, here, in order to use the value specified in the NESMaker tool itself
    ;STA myLives    ;; commented out, here, in order to use the value specified in the NESMaker tool itself
  ;PlaySound #$00, $00

  LDA #%10000000
  STA gameHandler ;; turn sprites on

Hope someone can help me out. After messing with this for hours I'm kind of lost...


Staff member
How is set your Player Death object? (the action step 0 is set to "Restart Game" for end of animation?
Also, could you share the script that is assigned to the "Action Anim End 7" element in your "Project Settings > Script Settings"?

Another question... in your Timer script, the "JMP RESET" line, have you tried to comment it out?
(to be sure it's not this action that reset your game each time you dies).


Active member
dale_coop said:
How is set your Player Death object? (the action step 0 is set to "Restart Game" for end of animation?
Also, could you share the script that is assigned to the "Action Anim End 7" element in your "Project Settings > Script Settings"?

Another question... in your Timer script, the "JMP RESET" line, have you tried to comment it out?
(to be sure it's not this action that reset your game each time you dies).

OH MAN I AM SO DUMB. Thank you for putting up with me :oops: :oops:
The second I read that I remembered I misclicked and accidentally replaced one of the Action scripts, and just replaced it with the standard script thinking it was the same... That was definitely it. It's working fine now. :oops:
Here's hoping I can finish this thing without destroying the whole project. :lol: Thanks again.
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