[4.1.5] Adventure Game Player Walks In Place


New member
Hi! I'm Alex. I'm working on a Zelda-like prototype in NESMaker 4.1.5, Base module.
I'm currently watching the official 4.1.0 tutorials. Upon getting to Part 7: Inputs, I came across a problem. In his tutorial, the character moves as it should after adding the "StartMovingPlayer..." and "StopMovingPlayer..." scripts. When I added the same scripts—both from the Base script directory and from the Adventure script directory—the player will only turn in those directions, but not actually move; he just walks in place.


View attachment game.zip

The only thing I can think of that would cause this is that there are no collision attributes in the project at all. Normally, you'd see "Walkable" and "Solid" as options in the drop-down menu, but instead all 16 options say "NULL". I've scrounged the script directories for collision attributes for hours, but have found nothing (or at least nothing that doesn't cause the game to crash upon pressing a directional button).

I also disabled the HUD because there is this out-of-place player head in the top left corner. I couldn't remove it in the Overworld editor. Maybe it has something to do with the immobility problem?

There's also the problem of the incorrectly colored HUD. But player movement is more important anyway. Lastly, Link is just a placeholder until I can make custom art or hire a sprite artist. Besides Link, the sprites were all made by me. I know you're not supposed to do copyright stuff in NESMaker.


Staff member
Hey adesyndicate
For the movements... make sure to use the input scripts that are in the Adventure subfolder.
Also (THE most important), make sure your Player object has a "Speed" and a "Acceleration" (for testing, set "40" for the speed and "200" for the acceleration). Always use a high value for acceleration, else your objects will start REALLY slow.

Now, about your head on the hud.
It could be your sprite 0. Have you set teh HUD sprite 0? (there is a video about "sprite zero" on the official page).

For the HUD color... it's using the sub Pal #4. But there is sometimes a bug with the HUD area colors. I'd suggest to paint with "R" (holding the "R" key of your keyboard) on every tile of the HUD Area... on your screens and also to the next screen (the screen that is at the right side of your current screen --because the engine always load data from half of the next screen).
Joe's explained that, in several videos: paint your HUD area on the screen and next one... with the "R" ("R" is the shortcut for sub-palette 4... "Q","W","E" are for subPal#1, subPal#2 and subPal#3).


New member
Hey @dale_coop, it worked! I hadn't set the Max Speed and Acceleration parameters. Thank you for helping! ^_^

And for the HUD fix, thank you too! All that is left is the disappearance of collision attributes. Any idea on that?


Staff member
Where exactly? Do you have a screenshot of your collisions (there is a "Collision" button on the screen editor to display/overlay it)?


New member
In the drop-down menu, there's nothing but null. I'm not sure if I missed a step somewhere along the way or what.



Staff member
Oh! You created a project using the "Base" module?
This module is completly empty... it's meant for advanced users, in order to built their own scripts. But no problem, you can change that...

To "move" to another module... go to the "Project" menu and select "Import Project Module"... and select the "BASE_Adventure.MOD" (this file is in the "Modules" sub folder). Validate everything and...

Voilà :)


Staff member
Glad it worked.
And, yes, you need to base your project(s) on a module (adventure or platformer or maze or shooter).... always ;)


New member
Hi everyone,

I have the exact same issue at the exact same point : NESMaker 4.1.5 // Getting Started, 7: Input

My character is walking, is animated, but he's not moving a pixel in any direction.

My parameters are :

"Standing still"

I'm pretty sure it's an easy problem but at this point I can't figure out how to solve it...


Staff member
Try with different movement scripts. The ones from the Adventure subfolder.... (or from the SimplePlatformer of your’re making a platformer).
It should work better ;)


New member
Thanks Dale, I tried it but it didn't solve the problem. I tried to input a different script to each direction like this :

My character is animated in all directions but doesn't move in any direction on the screen.
I'm starting to think that I must have missed something in previous tutorials... Having no clue about how to solve my problem yet, maybe I'll have to give the tutorials another look...


New member
I solved my problem by re-importing the adventure module !!

For those who face this, you just have to clic on "import module projet", choose "BASE_Adventure.MOD", select "Open" then on the screen with all the script with a checkbox, don't touch anything and clic on "OK".

Et voilà :) // There you go, your character will move everywhere like he never did before :D !
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