Odd Notes playing at beginning of song

red moon

Hey everyone, I am experiencing a strange series of the notes playing at the beginning of one of the songs I am working on. It pays fine in Famitracker, but sounds off in game. It sounds like a single note being player repeatedly over what I created. All the other songs play fine in game but not this one.

Here's the way it sounds in Famitracker

The text file that I am importing in Nesmaker

And finally the video so you can hear the difference.

I did delete the pulse 1 track and redid the notes even in a different arrangement and It still has the additional notes when played in game. The last few seconds of the track are fine for some reason, the first 6 seconds contain the issue.

It's the 2nd to last and its called Groove2



Active member
Your issue with the first 6 seconds is because those notes are lower than GGsound's audible note range. In FamiTracker, any note that's at A-0 or below sounds identical, but with GGsound anything below A-0 can give you some funky results. What I'd recommend is to replace your F#-0 notes as A-0 notes and that'll fix your issue.

red moon

That worked, I shifted things to the next key up and its bette now...
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