Monster Won't Move (Getting Started 6)


New member
I've just gotten NESMaker, so I'm going through the YouTube tutorials, which have all been really helpful so far, but I've run into an issue on the 6th episode. I set up the object details the same as in the video and I've placed the monster onto the overworld, but when I export to test in Mesen, it doesn't move. I've double checked to make sure the settings are the same, and tweaked some options to see if I could get it to work, and I found that all of the movement actions work except for the one used in the video: moving randomly in 4 directions. Is this something I've got wrong on my end or is the action bugged?





New member
Is the script assigned to the AI behavior? I have a different script there, but for you, RandomMovement4.asm (I think) should be there.


;;;; Choose out of 4 directions, UDLR.
    JSR GetRandomDirection
	AND #%00000110
    LDA DirectionMovementTable,y
    STA temp
    TYA ;; the 0-7 value for direction
    ORA temp
    STA Object_movement,x


Staff member
Agreed. Make sure the AI Action 02 is assigned to the RandomMovement_4.asm script.
Also, you could try remove the monster from the screen (right click > reset all placements) and place it again (or at another place).


New member
Thanks guys! I went to the Project Settings to check and it was set to this:


Originally I had no idea how that happened, but I think I must have set it to that when I went to change the tile script for the instakill spikes lol. I was able to find the right script and put it in there, works perfect now.
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