Activate text when the player hits an enemy


New member

I´m working with the platform module and I want to know if there is a way to activate a text box when hitting an enemy or NPC? I want to make a sort of automatic textbox, so it needs to disappear after some seconds.

I checked the video tutorial and it details only when pressing the B button.



From the enemy injured code, you can still jump (JSR) to the textbox code (the one triggered on the B button).
Do you want to do a text appearing everytime you hit or kill an enemy? Or just for some specific cases?
If you wanna make it disappear after few second.... well... you can still spawned an invisible object on hit, and this object close the text box with a timer.
However, the way I would implement that is probably too complex, and we should wait from experienced people.

But to answer quickly, YES there is always a way.
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