Game won't start


Staff member
It means you had an error when Export & Test... so the rom file was not created.
Could you share a screenshot of the command line (black) window? (errors are listed on that window)

Antonio N

New member

I'm also having this problem


Staff member
You need to use "attachments" when editing your post... and click "add files" to add an image in your message.


Staff member
It looks like your out of space in your bank 15. That could be you created some monsters with incorrect tilesets sizes (the Monster_0_0X BMP images should be 128x64 pixels)
Have you made the graphics for your monster in the Pixel Editor of NESmaker or in a external software?
I really suggest you to watch again and follow ALL the tutorial videos to learn all the good practices and the basis of NEsmaker ;)


Staff member
Piskel and other editor are great to make graphics... but then, you will need to copy/paste those graphics in NESmaker's tilesets. Because the the resolution of your images might be the ones NESmaker accept.
For example, look at this tutuorial about the Pixel Editor in NESmaker (you can open an image, select copy... then open a tileset and paste your graphics inside it):

And there are more videos about Pixel Editor and graphics... on the Youytube channel (here's another older one:

Antonio N

New member
thanks for the help btw but it would seem that I have a new problem entirely
I cannot place my character
well I can place it but when I test it it doesn't show up


Staff member
It’s because you need to set up (correctly) your Sprite Zero.
There is also a tutorial about the Sprite Zero on the website.

Edited: here is the tutorial :
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