(4.5.9) How would I make/use an Auto Text Tile in Platformer?


Active member
Please help me add a text tile to arcade platformer (4.5.9)
(How would I make/use an Auto Text Tile in Platformer?)
I tried using the NPC tile from adventure module and that and the tile for displaying text don't work. When it does draw on screen there are letters missing and it won't advance my text.


Staff member
Can you share the script you used?

Oh, also, make sure to add the DrawNPCtext input script (from the Adventre module input script) to you B button (it's that script that close, and advence the text) and finally add a few lines of code at the beginning of the script, following that topic:


Active member
    LDA npcTrigger
    ORA #%00000001
    STA npcTrigger
    LDA screenText
    STA npc_text

the text that does show up is missing characters (letters) and it wont advance when i hit the button

also tried this...

;;; this tile will instantly activate text upon player collision with it
;;; and then will change it's collision type to walkable, so that the collision
;;; only happens one time per screen load.

    ;; from the jump, right now the tile offset should be loaded in temp1 and temp2 should determine what collision table we should look in.
    ;;;;;;;;; First, let's turn the underlying tile into a normal walkable tile.
    LDY temp1
    LDA temp2
    BEQ +isEvenCt
        ;; is an odd ct, so looking in collisionTable2
        LDA #$00
        STA collisionTable2,y
        JMP +doneWithTileUpdate
        LDA #$00
        STA collisionTable,y
    LDA npcTrigger
    ORA #%00000001
    STA npcTrigger

    DrawBox #BOX_1_ORIGIN_X, #BOX_1_ORIGIN_Y, #BOX_1_WIDTH , #BOX_1_HEIGHT, #TEXT_NPC, screenText

    ;;; x
    ;;; y
    ;;; width
    ;;; height
    ;;; text mode
        ;#TEXT_NPC pulls from the index in the following argument.
        ;#TEXT_FREE allows you to just write a label definition in the following argument
        ; and as long as you're in the right bank, will draw it.
    ;;; string or index.


lastly, this is the input im using... (this works fine with normal NPCS and dialog also my npcs and player are taller than 16 pixels.)

NPC_WIDTH = #$18
   LDX player1_object
    LDA Object_direction,x
    AND #%00000111
    LDA NpcFocusTableX,y
    STA tempA
    LDA NpcFocusTableY,y
    STA tempB
    LDA Object_x_hi,x
    ADC tempA
    STA tempC
    LDA Object_y_hi,x
    ADC tempB
    STA tempD
    LDX #$00
    LDA Object_status,x
    AND #%10000000
    BNE +keepChecking
        JMP +noNPCcollision

        ;; we have confirmed it is active.
        LDA Object_flags,x
        AND #%10000000
        BNE +keepChecking
            JMP +noNPCcollision
            ;; we have confirmed it is an NPC type.
            LDA tempC
            CMP Object_x_hi,x
            BCC +noNPCcollision
                ;; still possible.
                LDA Object_x_hi,x
                ADC #NPC_WIDTH
                CMP tempC
                BCC +noNPCcollision
                    ;;; still possible
                    LDA tempD
                    CMP Object_y_hi,x
                    BCC +noNPCcollision
                        LDA Object_y_hi,x
                        ADC #NPC_HEIGHT
                        CMP tempD
                        BCC +noNPCcollision
                                LDA Object_id,x
                                    LDA stringGroupPointer,x
                                    STA npc_text
                                LDA npcTrigger
                                ORA #%00000001
                                STA npcTrigger
                            JMP +doNpc
                CPX #TOTAL_MAX_OBJECTS
                BNE doCheckForNpcLoop
    LDA npcTrigger
    AND #%00000001
    BNE dontSkipNPCtext
    JMP +skipNpcText
    DrawBox #BOX_1_ORIGIN_X, #BOX_1_ORIGIN_Y, #BOX_1_WIDTH , #BOX_1_HEIGHT, #TEXT_NPC, npc_text
    ;;; x
    ;;; y
    ;;; width
    ;;; height
    ;;; text mode
        ;#TEXT_NPC pulls from the index in the following argument.
        ;#TEXT_FREE allows you to just write a label definition in the following argument
        ; and as long as you're in the right bank, will draw it.
    ;;; string or index.
    ;; DOWN  DR    RIGHT   UR  UP    UL    LEFT  DL
    .db #$08, #$00, #$18, #$00, #$08, #$00, #$F8, #$00

    .db #$18, #$00, #$08, #$00, #$F8, #$00, #$08, #$00

@dale_coop I've tried these and even a few edits of my own to no avail. any help in getting this to work will be extremely appreciated. Thank you.


Active member
I tried this out to no avail. any text that has been drawing has missing letters
Ah man that sucks.
I remembered being in the same place with the same bug years ago.
Couldn't fix it, though :(

At this point, maybe try to make your text appear under a monster behavior or something.


Active member
Please help me add a text tile to arcade platformer (4.5.9)
(How would I make/use an Auto Text Tile in Platformer?)
I tried using the NPC tile from adventure module and that and the tile for displaying text don't work. When it does draw on screen there are letters missing and it won't advance my text.
have you checked the characters are set correctly in the hud & boxes screen? some of them are set incorrectly so you get random letters or letters missing


Active member
have you checked the characters are set correctly in the hud & boxes screen? some of them are set incorrectly so you get random letters or letters missing
I think whats going on is if I have palette cycling (the palette goes through its colors) turned on in a bit on the screen, it causes these problems. when its off they dont exist. soution currently is no cycling on these screens.
I'm havign problems showing entry 2 3 4 on the screen if theyre different from entry 1. it always chooses the first one. This error is with NPC type objects too. if i make them object 2 or 3 or 4 they still only show text from entry 1.


Well-known member
@NightMusic I think I solved the palette cycling/ missing letters in text glitch. I added this bit of code to the HandleGameTimer asm:

    LDA gameStatusByte
    AND #%00000001
    BEQ beer
    JSR doWaitFrame

I put it in right before this stuff:

    LDA palettesCycleTimer         
    BNE PaletteCycleTimerCountDown   
    JSR CycleThyPalettes

I've tested it a good 25 times and not a single glitch. Usually the glitch occurs after the second try.


Active member
@NightMusic I think I solved the palette cycling/ missing letters in text glitch. I added this bit of code to the HandleGameTimer asm:

    LDA gameStatusByte
    AND #%00000001
    BEQ beer
    JSR doWaitFrame

I put it in right before this stuff:

    LDA palettesCycleTimer        
    BNE PaletteCycleTimerCountDown  
    JSR CycleThyPalettes

I've tested it a good 25 times and not a single glitch. Usually the glitch occurs after the second try.
i like this and beer is always good. :) thank you


Well-known member
@NightMusic Did you ever make any progress on the auto-text tile? This is the next thing I am going to go for. I want some auto text for certain objects that are collected in my game.
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