Game stuck on Start Screen


New member
I've managed to build a player, outline the HUD, map some controller scripts, but I'm stuck at the start screen when I open my game. I've looked through the input scripts and cannot find one that will do the Start Menu start screen (as in one of the tutorials). I think that this is a PICNIC problem (Problem in chair, not in computer). Any help is appreciated.


Staff member
You can skip the Start Screen : in the Project > Info, there is a check box for that.

Else if you want to keep the Start Screen, and make your game to start when you press a button (for example the START button) :
you could make a new StartButton_StartScreen.asm script (in your GameEngineData\Routines\UserScripts\) with :
	STA change_state
	LDA #%10000000
	STA gameHandler ;; turn sprites on

And call that script when "Start" button is pressed on "StartScreen", in the input manager.
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