typo correction thread: asm source


New member
v4.0.0 MainASM.ASM - line 176:
the comments read "OAL DMA". requesting a change to OAM DMA so it gets easier to string search for.


I've been digging through the code since the beta, cataloging, cleaning, and commenting it for myself since the beta. You'll run across a lot of that. Left over data and variables/constants from mystic searches/origins, typos, mixed case opcodes (for example stA), and redundant RTS opcodes. I'm not too concerned with it so long as the engine still works and the assembler has no issues. I'd planned to do a full cleanup after the RPG module is released and going through the engine line for line along with mapping out the ram and commenting everything. You can see some of my research into the engine already here on the forums though at this point it's 1, partially out dated, and 2, buried by this point in a flood of new posts.
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