bundling a games binary with an emulator


New member
Hello dear people of this Forum! Since I've started work on my game I've been looking up how to possibly do this. My goal would be to make the emulator load up the game (if possible located in a folder for exchange when updates happen) at start up, to sort of make it it's own standalone game. I've been looking up this topic and found something interesting on the NesDev forums explaining that you'd simply have to bundle the binary of the game with an emulator to make it a standard executable. My programming skills are very very weak so I wanted to come here in case anyone could help me (and possibly others interested in doing this) out. Thanks in advance!


Staff member
Could you share the link of the NESDev topic you found?
Else here on the forum, Kasumi explains how to make a batch: http://nesmakers.com/viewtopic.php?p=13469#p13469


New member
wow! this seems like exactly what I was looking for right away :D and there wasn't any other conclusion in that NesDev thread other than what I've mentioned actually
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