BMP options (adding support to NAW)


New member
I'm writing support for NESmaker BMP import/export in NAW.
It's already exporting the entire CHR page as a 128x128 black/red/green/white BMP file ready for use with NM, but before uploading it to itch...


1 - Does NESmaker support 8x16 mode and does it ever save or read BMP files in that format or are the files always saved in the normal 8x8 view?
2 - What image resolutions does it need? 128x16, 128x32, 128,64, 128,128? Are those all of them?
3 - Anything else I should know?

Thank you


Well-known member
background tiles are always either 16X16 by default, or 8X8 as an option. the palletes and collision is still 16*16 in those cases.
sprites are always 8*8

background "main tileset" images come in 128*48
there are also "screen tileset" background tiles images that are 128*16
the hud tileset is 128*32
sprite tilesets are 128*64
there are also path tilesets that are 128*64


New member
Thanks for the quick response! 128x48 huh? Sounds strange. Seems like the chr page is divided into some multiple of 16 heights. Alright, that's useful info, thanks!
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