Checkpoint Tiles in NoScroll Core


Staff member
For your colors tiles... you need to check your "user constants" in "project settings > script settings"... and set the TILE_CHECKPOINT_CLEARED to .... "0"? (index of the tile you want to use for replacing the checkpoint when removed).

For your music... Try adding that code at the end of your Handle Lose Life script:
	LDA navFlag
	ORA #%00000010
	STA navFlag
Yeah, it is set to 0.
Here's what I'm seeing:


EDIT: I don't know exactly what is causing it, but if I move it further away from the screens edge, I no longer get that problem... so I assume it has something to do with the screen initialising code. So to make sure players don't miss it.. I'll need to actually make a graphic for it, I suppose.


Staff member
Yeah graphic glitch... somewhere in the loading script.
Sorry, I think it will be difficult to fix that.
It's fine, I've made a more visual "flag pole" esque checkpoint, so players will be incentivised to pick them up. I was just going for a more "enter room, and you're safe" approach.
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