preventing music restart after title screen


Staff member
Pffffffffffffff.... I am stupid! I misred your answer.

If you want the music to continue... and not restart when warped on the next screen, modify the Timer_WarpToNewScreen.asm script (assigned the "Action Anim End" 8th or 9th element in the "Project Settings > Script Settings")
and locate the lines:
	LDA navFlag
	ORA #%00000010
	STA navFlag

Replace with that code:
	;; we continue the current song:
	LDA navFlag
	AND #%11111101
	STA navFlag

Note: I'd suggest to duplicate the "Timer_WarpToNewScreen.asm" script (as "Timer_WarpToNewScreen_RazzieP.asm" for example), doing the modifications in the duplicate one... and assign that modified script to the "Action Anim End" in your "Project Settings > Script Settings" instead of the original one. It's the best practice ;)
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