Small problems with start screen and checkpoint


New member
It compiled, but I changed the JMP reset to the player lose life script and that doesn't compile, does that need a user constant label too?


New member
Thanks, I appreciate the help. It's not just my project but a group of people. Almost ready to pass it on now :)

Slime Stack

New member
I'm working with the Simple Platformer module, and I had the same desire to have a checkpoint after the player clears each screen and gets warped to the next screen.

I followed dale_coop's instructions very carefully, many times. (dale_coop, your tutorials are excellent, by the way :) ) I added lives to the player, and created the asset for a checkpoint.

I finally got a checkpoint working with an asset tile by importing the script setting from the Scrolling Platformer module. The checkpoint asset works, so if you die you will be sent back to the checkpoint, however once sent back to the checkpoint there is no way to exit the screen and progress to the next screen. The way to progress from screen to screen in this game is to collect the flag asset, which will bring you to the next screen. I only place one flag asset on each screen. Once you are sent back to the checkpoint, collecting the flag asset only adds to your score and it does not progress you to the next screen.

I'm new to this program so it is very probable that I've missed a small detail, like checking a box or messing up the script settings. Any thoughts or ideas on where I went wrong?


Staff member
Hey Slime Stack,
It's a "bug" of the module... usually, when you collect all the flags (collectable tiles) from a screen it counts it (using a screenPrizeCounter variable) and when it's all collected (screenPrizeCounter = nb collectable tiles) it warps to the next screen.
But this module forget to set back this counter to 0 when you die...
The fix is here:

Slime Stack

New member
dale_coop, I got it! Thank you so much for your help. :D

So, here's what I did: I went into Project > Defined Scripts > Handle GoTo Screen . I added the two lines of code you pointed me to at lines 20 and 21:

LDA #$00
STA screenPrizeCounter ; reset to 0 the screenPrizeCounter collectables

After a quick test it was working great!
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