Text Box w/o NPC


I have searched around but was unable to find a solution...

Is there any way to have a text box appear upon entering a screen as opposed to interacting with an NPC?


Active member
In a prior version of the game module, there was an NPC tile type that had the following code, but that still required player interaction. There may be ways to trigger the code with an invisible monster.

	LDA gamepad
	AND #%00000010
	BEQ +
	LDA textBoxFlag
	BNE +
	LDA #$01
	STA textBoxFlag


jsherman said:
There may be ways to trigger the code with an invisible monster.

Hmm... That might be possible, have the text appear upon invisible monster spawn or collision.

Will have to play around some more. Have only spend a few hours (so far) with NES Maker. Still learning the in's and out's of how everything works. Joe's tutorials have been a great help so far.
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