Trying to create object on a specific screen


New member
Like the title says, I'm trying to create a monster generator but on a specific screen. This is the code I'm using for the doHandleGameTimer script and screen X=5 Y=3 is the screen I want the objects to be created on. Not the starting screen or any other. Thank you in advance for any and all help! :)

LDA gameTimerTicks
ADC #$01
STA gameTimerTicks

BCC +normalWhatev

CreateObjectOnScreen 80, 80, 10, 0, 53


LDA gameTimerLo
ADC #$00
STA gameTimerLo
LDA gameTimerHi
ADC #$00
STA gameTimerHi

Bucket Mouse

Active member
CreateObjectOnScreen doesn't do that. In fact I'm not entirely sure what it's for, but I do know it isn't for specifying a specific screen for a monster to appear on.

The current screen number is scored in currentNametable. I would compare that variable to the number of the screen you want, and if it doesn't match, it should branch. Otherwise it would draw that specific monster. That's how I'd do it.


New member
Using screen type I was able to add the following lines to the top of your code:
LDA screenType
CMP #9
BNE +normalWhatev
and changed the macro to CreateObject:
CreateObject #$70, #$00, #$33, #$00 ;;; x tile, y tile, object, actionstep
and it worked for me, monster generator on that screen type only.


New member
In case anyone is wondering, I ended up solving this by just making a ChangeTileAtCollision tile right where the player is dropped into the screen I want the object generator on. Also changed CreateObjectOnScreen to CreateObject.
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