Weird Question... can I trademark My Upcoming NESmaker Game?

not going to get upset over someone pirating my game eventually even. just don't want someone stealing my idea, then selling the idea, and the actual
last straw going to court and taking my game's rights away from me.
at the very least I will trademark my Gamemaker Studio 2 version which I will first work on after the demo for my NES version.
almost done BTW just need to try to fix something I said here:


Well-known member
Are you talking about someone stealing your finished game or the concept? With over 5 million video games in existence, it's fairly unlikely whatever it is hasn't been done before to some extent. It would be very hard to protect a mechanic or gameplay idea.

A tradmark just protects a name or a logo. If you mean copyright, that is automatically granted on any original works. i.e there's no such thing as registering that. I remember a section in an old Amiga AMOS guide which basically said mail your work to yourself and don't open it. This was before main stream internet though so you can prove when you created the work in other ways.
Are you talking about someone stealing your finished game or the concept? With over 5 million video games in existence, it's fairly unlikely whatever it is hasn't been done before to some extent. It would be very hard to protect a mechanic or gameplay idea.

A tradmark just protects a name or a logo. If you mean copyright, that is automatically granted on any original works. i.e there's no such thing as registering that. I remember a section in an old Amiga AMOS guide which basically said mail your work to yourself and don't open it. This was before main stream internet though so you can prove when you created the work in other ways.
No, I mean them somehow suing me... It's complicated. suing me after they take my idea to clarify
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